Wax Mekanix Continues Upon A Musical Mission of Exploration & Evolution

While reading, check out Wax’s latest single, “Shrew’s Fiddle”

Wax Mekanix has been around the block.

He’s played across the musical spectrum, genre to genre, from metal to country, to pop and yacht rock. He’s a man on a mission of exploration. His new album, Mobocracy is an explosion of hard rockin’ n’ rollin’ made possible by a lifetime’s worth of a musical madness and creative indulgence. 

As I’ve said before, my musical palate is rarely in search of the more hardcore genres of rock. I never had an elongated metal or punk stage in middle school like many of my peers, so I tend to listen to these artists when I’m at the gym, and surprise surprise, I turned on Mobocracy to get a taste and next thing you know I’m into the remix portion of the album and humming the choruses I picked up in the first run. Only reason I’m not singing is because I’m in public. 

So yes, if you’re not a hardcore rock n’ roll fan, throw this on next time you need a little energy boost. And if you are a big fan of metal, punk, emo, hardcore, etc. you’ve probably got a new artist to enjoy on the reg. 

The album was released under Electric Talon records.

But this is a musical exploration… so the evolution continues.

Now, for something totally different:

And finally, my favorite song from the Wax collection:

Kevin Chevalier

Writer. Educator. Coach. Diving into whatever pulls the heartstrings. Delco grown. Temple Made. West Philly’s home. Go Birds


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