Songs That Should Be On The Radio By Local Artists — Vol. 5

Let’s get right into it. The majority are brand new, but some are from earlier this calendar year.

Lily Grace

“Kiss My Fuckin’ Ass”

OKAYYYYY LILY!!!! She didn’t hold back a thing on the track or in the video (worth the watch!)

This shit is an anthem. Once your timid ears get over the track title, the tough cadence and strong lyrics pull you in without hesitation.

Moon Poodle

“Big Sexy”

Gotta love an ironic flex.

Singing “I’m a loser” with this much swag is criminal and I love outlaw rock n’ roll.

It’s a badass song.

PIssed Jeans

“Moving On”

Legends of the game. Pissed Jeans are back again with another banger on Sub Pop. This sounds like it should be in a soccer hooligan movie. Classic warehouse full band video. No B-cuts. Just rock n’ roll.

I need to hit the gym to this song asap.


“Luv Me”

Dia! can make your heart melt in more ways than one. The curly-haired R&B singer with the short skirts and the big tunes does an exceptional job of balancing ornate verses and swanky hooks. “Luv Me” sounds like a radio song to me.

Stella Ruze


Not sure there’s anyone who makes better weekend morning coffee music than Stella Ruze.

Another W for the Philly folk rock band and a beautiful music video shot by good friend of The City Root — Kobe Dog Productions. As good as this track is, my favorite as of late is here:

Don Michael Jr.



Don Michael is a talented producer in his own right, but here he illicits St. Yims to take this track to the next level. The video fits the track — dark, sexy.

Roberta Faceplant

“Yee Haw Stuff”

Americana Outlaw… these Philly accents have their own drawl, but Roberta Faceplant makes it work with a Southern twang and a tounge-in-cheek feel good tune as part of an EP of the same name, Yee Haw Stuff.

James Allen ft. Rae Dianz


Without a moment’s notice, James Allen is on top of the beat and in your ears with a poignant mellifluous cadence that drops into a trippy chorus, fitting of the album art. Then Rae comes in and does her thing with a vocal tone second to none amongst Philly MCs. Both artists sound incredibly comfortable on the mic. They’re meant to have this moment and I love to hear two Boom Box alums are hopping on the same track.

Ronald Reagan? The Actor?


I’ve seen these guys live at Porchfest the 2 of the last 3 years and they never disappoint. With a name straight out of Cards Against Humanity (at least I think that’s where I’m guessing they got it from), it’s easy to take this band as a joke, but the guitar riff moments in will have you vanquish that notion and dive into the spy-theme-esque spacey rock jam track and wonder if you have any magic mushrooms leftover from the last time. Not a radio song but rather enjoyable nonetheless.


The Last Generation on Film — “Just Take My Hand”


Kevin Chevalier

Writer. Educator. Coach. Diving into whatever pulls the heartstrings. Delco grown. Temple Made. West Philly’s home. Go Birds

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