Cinematic Jazz by Max Swan: ‘Slow Jail’ Album, ‘Live From The Church’ session, And ‘Legend’ Single
Cinematic Jazz by Max Swan on his new album, Slow Jail

I Played Touchy/Feely™ w/ Creator, Candace Johnson: A Game of Mental & Physical Intimacy
Playing Touchy/Feely, the adult intimacy card game with its creator, Candace Johnson… in a public library ;)

Hide Ya Granny: Smokey Robinson’s Gyrating Into Town With New Hips And A new Album, “Gasms”
In his 80s, the MoTown legend clearly still has plenty in the tank. Not just musically but in a few other areas too.

Jackson Pines Modernizes Songs from the the Renaissance Age in New Release, “Pine Barrens, Vol. 1” with a Minimalist’s Grin
Minimalist music that prompts a foot tap or a head sway, gets your cheery folk from Jackson Pines.

Hot Singles In YOUR Area RIGHT NOW!! Click to Match
New singles from Al Zamora, Black Buttafly, Tommy Love & Chioke, and Nick Lombardo & The Decent Ok… all very very sexy (musically speaking)

“The Boombox” is Bringing New Soul to Rock n’ Roll — July 27th @ Silk City
Get your tickets today!!! They will sell out rather quickly, limited amount available!

Tuck Ryan Might Sound Like A Farmer But He’s Actually a Baller of a Musician
Tuck Ryan is smooth as a goose and a great act to catch live.

The Afghan Adjustment Act: How Quickly We Will Forget (9/11 Victim Compensation Fund “For Scale”)
We didn’t forget 9/11 victims but congress tried to, and the lot of us just assumed they were taken care of. It will be TOO easy to forget Afghan refugees once they’re sent back to hell on earth.

There’s No Doubt The Bul Bey Is a Top Tier Philly Spitter
A new spectacle of a video from The Bul Bey for “What It Look Like” off his 2022 album, I Don’t Have Time To Doubt Myself.

SoFar Sounds @ Ultra Silk Gallery: Jonill, Sophie Coran, and Tim Stout
An incredible evening of music at one of the coolest art galleries in Philadelphia. Jonill closed the night out, leaving a few jaws on the floor, after Sophie Coran and Tim Stout played games with the audience’s heartstrings.

The Budding Philadelphia MMA Scene and its Standout Contenders
The area’s MMA talent deserves a lot more shine than they’re getting.

The Philadelphia Mayoral Candidates — Primary Vote Today, May 16
This should go down as one of the most interesting Mayoral elections in Philly’s history. With no clear frontrunner, it’s essentially a toss-up between the top 5 candidates. Broken down with blurbs and media resources here.

Recent Results in the Boxing & MMA World: Big Wins & A Title Fight Loss
Jeremiah Wells with a big comeback decision victory. Rasheen “Sugasheen” Brown returns to the ring and gets a W

The Red Hot “Live @ Rec” Series
There are a few Tiny Desk-esque shows in the area but LIVE @ REC definitely stands out with HQ production and some standout artist performances.

Actual Authentic Mexican Done Sooooo Damn Well @ Que Chula Es Puebla in Old Kensington
The family story behind Que Chula’s imported Mole and generational staple in Olde Kensington.
Featured Artist: Terrence L. Gore (presented by The Silk Tent)
The single most inspirational artist I’ve had the pleasure of meeting since publishing The City Root, Terrence L. Gore.

The “Me” Behind “A Part of Me Boutique” On Lancaster Ave: Phyllis Jones-Carter
Phyllis Jones-Carter is the founder & curator at A Part of Me Boutique on Lancaster Ave in West Philly. She brings a vintage and modern eclectic aesthetic to Philadelphia fashion. Beautiful paintings and colorful high quality furniture also available.

Meet Jenn Fahy, Owner of Hometowne Hair Shoppe — New Men’s Parlor in Media This Summer
The inspo to create Hometowne in the first place, and the decision to expand. Can’t wait for the Men’s Parlor!

Clocking America’s Pasttime
Is it past time the game gets sped up? Should they ditch the clock when it comes time for the magic of playoff baseball.
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