A.I. Beyond The Turing Test; Robotic Love & Erotica “Fire Beneath The Palms” … We’re Doomed Aren’t We?
The A.I. Takeover has already begun, but this sexy ass A.I. written erotica is what makes my skin crawl.

Struggling to Connect: The Loneliness Epidemic
In a world of instant gratification, deep connections can be fleeting which makes them more valuable than ever before.

10. Birdfeed & Beez: The Doctor’s Diagnosis of Heartbreak
An anxious nausea. Dealing with it, beating it. A Doctor’s diagnosis as part of our Birdfeed & Beez series.

I Played Touchy/Feely™ w/ Creator, Candace Johnson: A Game of Mental & Physical Intimacy
Playing Touchy/Feely, the adult intimacy card game with its creator, Candace Johnson… in a public library ;)

BirdFeed & Beez: Sexuality is Complicated—A Coming of Age, And Coming Out Story
A personal, coming-of-age and out story. Part of our Birdfeed & Beez series.

BirdFeed & Beez: Modern Indulgence of Sex & Sexuality In the Internet Age
The Internet Age has offered unimaginable access to whatever our demented sexual minds drum up in a nearly shameless world. This isn’t about shame, it’s about recognition.

Which Is Bullshit? My Own Marriage Or The One In “Scenes From A Marriage”?
“… it will win a ton of Emmys next year, and I sexted my husband after each sweltering, armpit-sniffing episode, but it’s not real life.”
MAG — Human Interest / Social Commentary / Media / Politics / Birdfeed & Beez / Ant Rantz / Fiction
MIC — D.O.D. / Music / City Scenes / Poetry / Comedy / Etc.
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