SoFar Sounds @ Ultra Silk Gallery: Jonill, Sophie Coran, and Tim Stout

The Ambiance

Even if you haven’t caught one yet, you’re probably aware that a SoFar Sounds show is a great way to spend a night out, not just in Philly but anywhere. Awesome artists that you may or may not know, performing in what’s always a hybrid, and often a motley venue. Whether you know the artists or not, you don’t know who’s actually performing until you get there. What I’m saying is that these folks at SoFar don’t miss… they DON’T miss.

So combine that intimate experience with minimal, palatial acts in one of Philly’s most charming art galleries in Ultra Silk at 38th & Lancaster, and you’ve got yourself a fantastic evening of live music.

I would’ve missed the show myself if it weren’t for the Manager & Curator at Ultra Silk Gallery, Ms. Kenya, who I was fortunate to meet the day before while filming our Neighborhood Tour for Lancaster Ave. She’s very excited to bring back Second Fridays @ Ultra Silk Gallery for the first time since COVID robbed them from Lancaster Ave, and those familiar with the events at Ultra Silk and along Lancaster Ave are equally enthused. In bringing them back, this was certainly a beautiful and successful debut.

Ms. Kenya is the daughter of the gallery’s owner, Rashida Watson, a world-traveled folk art & jewelry collector with pieces from all over Africa and other continents, but also from right here in Philly and from her own two (very modest) hands, as she’s a striking artist in her own right. In their own words, nearly everything in both Ultra Silk Gallery and Silk Tent (the shop Rashida manages herself on the same block) is for sale. Be sure to check them out!

THE Artists

The trio, act to act, fit like a finished puzzle. Tim Stout opened with some cheerful love songs and a Britney Spears cover, as he made us single, 30+ year-olds feel like there’s hope after all… only for Sophie Coran to stomp all over those cheery hearts, setting Jonill up to sew them back together and remind us to embrace the joy in life and love.

This group needs a Valentine’s Day booking.


With constant collaborator Ajay on guitar, Jonill capped the evening. Even the song he dubbed depressive, since it was birthed in quarantine, was heartwarming. His voice didn’t need the mic to fill the gallery and the crowd left impressed.

Almost as fun as his performance, was watching his girl (who also goes by AJ) react to him hitting some of the tougher notes and expanding the songs from the verse into the chorus and lifting the crowd. You can catch Jonill and Ajay again at Silk City on February 9th. This time, Ajay will be the feature, debuting his new EP. IG: @itsjonill

Sophie Coran

Ms. Coran performed some unreleased songs from her upcoming album titled, I Don’t Go to New York Anymore.

Epic title if I say so myself, and not because the Eagles just beat the snot out of the Giants. Can’t wait to hear the album and see her with the full band. It sounds like the album will be a heartbreaker, but looking forward to seeing how it fills out. Of the five she played, the title track and “My Favorite Part” were my favorites, but this was also a stripped-down version of those songs.

We wrote a piece on her S P A C E album, which I was able to catch live with the full band at City Winery over the Summer. We also featured the title track in our first advertising video with Hometowne Hair Shoppe in Delco.

IG: @sophiecoran


Leading off the night was Tim Stout, setting a comfortable and positive mood for the evening. Besides a fun cover of Britney’s classic “Oops I Did It Again” he played original music off his album, The Key to Happy Living and the music fit the title. Writing interesting happy songs is a tough feat, considering there’s really nothing exciting or interesting about somebody just going about their day with a smile. Both he and Jonill did a tremendous job of that. With his wife in the audience, he also performed the song to which they shared their first dance, moving the audience to appropriate oohs and awhs. “Make Me Wanna Dance” was my favorite song of the bunch, but he totally crushed the Britney cover.

IG: @timstoutmusic

Kevin Chevalier

Writer, Educator, Coach who dives into whatever pulls the heartstrings. Delco grown. West Philly’s home. Go Birds.

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