Center City’s Favorite Street Guitarist, Will Ellsworth

Will Ellsworth is s m o o t h

He’s dressed clean and looks like he’s in decent shape. His bright white smile radiates. He appears comfortable in his own skin, despite playing for the bustling center city crowd at 17th & Market in front of a large standing roll-up banner with his picture and information on it. No one asked for this impromptu guitar solo, but all seem to appreciate it.

When I originally wrote that title it was only about the sounds he’s able to produce through an electric guitar on a beautiful spring day. The aesthetic and vibe was secondary, but notable.

And then there’s this song that grabbed me and wouldn’t let go… S M O O T H

Kevin Chevalier

Educator & Basketball Coach who appreciates the madness of the world, the magic of music, and diving into anything else that tugs the heartstrings. Delco grown. West Philly’s home.

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