A Detailed Breakdown on How I’d Take Down a Grizzly Bear Hopped Up on a Kilo of Cocaine


RIP Ray Liotta. This was his last film. I’m glad it was an epic one (in some ways) that’s set in the 80s.

A proper send-off one might say.

Now, about this real-life bear that actually did enough cocaine to well… kill a bear… that fell out of a real-life airplane of a real Mexican coke smuggler. Here’s how I’d take this big, rabid bastard down before its heart explodes.

I’m going to explain it step by step.


Taking notes?

Here goes…


And if I don’t have a 12 gauge handy, I’ll shit my pants and pray it kills me quick.

Happy to report that sponsorships are picking up over here at The City Root—Elizabeth Banks paid me $10,000 for this blog.

No wonder she goes by Banks.

Thanks, Liz! Hope it was worth it!


Shago Marlin

SHAGO { Shag-Oh Marr-Lin } is a writer, detective, music artist, thousandaire playboy, and Philadelphia’s leading pseudo-sports psychedelic psychologist.

The freedom of a pseudonym clashes with a visceral inclination to wrap on human condition through a raw, poetic, and brutally honest lens.


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