A Detailed Breakdown on How I’d Take Down a Grizzly Bear Hopped Up on a Kilo of Cocaine
Step-by-step instructions on how to take down a Grizzly Bear on a kilo…. never know when you’ll need ‘em.

Movies Today: Cost Triumphs Over Nostalgia & The Magic of Cinema
The Cost of Cinema VS. The Comfort of Home.

Interview with Local Film Scorer, Paul Talos
On his creative process behind scoring, getting gigs, and Philly’s affect on his work.

Dolemite Is His Name, And Fucking Up Motherfuckers Is His Game—A Deep Dive Into Blaxploitation & Much More
A deep dive into the Netflix Blaxploitation film: Rudy Ray Moore’s origin story, old white dudes writing the n-word out to tell the story, and more.
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