“The Idiot” by Local Artist “Nut” — The Debut Instrumental metal Album with a Heroic Dystopian Storyline

The Idiot by Nut

Buy the ticket. Take the ride. It’s that kind of a journey through this album.

Travel to Jujumikkar on metallic waves of lightening and undeniable inertia.

The Idiot sounds like a movie score; a metal version of Lord Of The Rings. There are no words but the instruments tell a story of their own.

As requested, I’ll leave his name anonymous but will let you in on the secret that he’s a product of Delaware County, that there may or may not be a second version of this album that offers soul-splitting vocals through which you can feel every sentimentality emitted throughout The Idiot, and the incredible album art was created by the artist himself.

Onto Jujumikkar

The Idiot tells a story behind the beautiful aggressive instrumentation. Should you come up with your own story, tell yourself that one, but if you want a peak behind the glass curtain, or whatever they call it, The Idiot is indeed the protagonist of this story.

From the artist himself:

While going through a rough stint as a young man on this spinning ball of matter we call Earth, The Idiot drops into and out of a black hole, and ends up in a new world. It’s foreign to him, his people, his planet, his human comprehension, to everything he knows.

Lost in the world, he sets out to learn about this world and where he fits in this strange universe upon realizing there is no clear path back. At first he’s frustrated and fumbling through time and space, but grows more comfortable in this life. Here, no one calls him an idiot, like they did on earth. Now with the ability to jump from world to world in this new dimension, likened to Atlantis, but above the clouds rather than below the sea, he ends up on Jujumikkar.

In Jujumikkar, he encounters an echolocation population that has the the ability to move objects with their voices — similar to the way the soundwaves of whale calls travel for miles underwater. Through that process they are able to build an immaculate society without the limitation of standard physics.

Within Jujumikkar, The Idiot begins to make his place in this new world. He discovers his own powers and the impact he’s able to make in this dimension. In discovering his powers, he finds himself and does so by testing said powers and his own will and determination. In the final song of the album he treks his way to the top of Mount Olijandria, the Mount Olympus of this world, and does so without using any of his super powers. It’s there he meets the old bearded matrix architect of these worlds (pictured foremost in the album art) and learns that his trials and tribulations were predestined. That he was meant to go through those hardships.

It’s both a rewarding and disgruntling moment atop Mount Olijandria as The Idiot is proud of his accomplishments but also feels like his free will was stolen from him.

Now… while this might not be easily interpreted while listening to the album… or maybe it is… but this is what the fuck I’m here for.

I love this shit.

World creation, character development, metaphors amongst the supernatural.

This is the shit that makes this world and the art within it such a wonderfully weird place to exist in.

I listened to the album without the background info from the artist, then went back again after hearing the underlying story and I fell in love with the album. Admittedly it helps that I know the artist personally and that I was able to connect the metaphors of the story to his life, and in turn, take those same story lines and place them within my own life.

We all have our battles to face, predestined or not, we must fight through the fire to forge the life we’re meant to live.

Kevin Chevalier

Writer, Educator, Coach who dives into whatever pulls the heartstrings. Delco grown. West Philly’s home. Go Birds.


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