SoFar Philly X Ultra Silk Gallery — 3.24.23: Leo Lovechild, Woodzy, Cat London

The Ambiance

Even if you haven’t caught one yet, you’re probably aware that a SoFar Sounds show is a great way to spend a night out, not just in Philly, but anywhere. Awesome artists that you may or may not know, performing in what’s always a hybrid, and often a motley venue. Whether you know the artists or not, you don’t know who’s actually performing until you get there. What I’m saying is that these folks at SoFar don’t miss… they DON’T miss.

So combine that intimate experience with minimal, palatial acts in one of Philly’s most charming art galleries in Ultra Silk Gallery at 38th & Lancaster, and you’ve got yourself a fantastic evening of live music.

Be sure to check them out!


In past SoFar shows, I felt an unintentional theme, or a solid flow from start to finish. The performing artists knew each other, has performed on the same ticket before, in some cases were especially friendly with one another.

These three artists, in the very best way, did not have that at all. You probably wouldn’t catch any of them at the same party and hanging outside show and there’s nothing wrong with that. Going from a rock n’ roll to spoken word to piano ballads, there was a sense of cordial competitiveness.

Leo Lovechild

New York City born, raised and current Brooklynite, Leo Lovechild brings brash lyrics, angsty energy and a consistent shifting of melody that allows his songwriting to stand out amongst the mass of acoustic guitar singer/songwriters.

If I had to guess, Dylan is Leo’s biggest influence. I also caught some Cat Stevens in there, without trying to confirm to either “style,” whatever that means.

But then you listen with the full band and the music is much harder than those two. He typically performs with a full band. Looking forward to seeing that one day. That, and the release of his new album and the song “Bad Behavior” which he performed at Ultra Silk.

He crushed “Arts & Crafts,” “Ocean Hill,” but my personal favorite was “All My Friends” which should be on the new album.



A UK flow poet, Woodzy is equally comfortable rapping to a beat as he is on stage alone doing spoken word. In his performance in Philly, half of it was a legitimately impressive flex, as he tore through the alphabet in his opener, then had the audience guess how many times he said “pen” in his poem “Pending,” before performing his stand out piece “Man Down” — a true story about his friend who fought depression and suicidal thoughts to come out on the other side and find success in boxing promotion. Woodzy performed the poem at Wembley Stadium and brought his god friend with him.

He closed out the night with nostalgia on “90s Baby,” making many of us realize how universal so many of those references to the time were, even across the pond.


Cat London

Singer, piano player, theater actor, and improv comic Cat London is a multi-talented performer who’s back touring and performing after an extended break originally halted by the pandemic. It was an emotional performance for Cat as she impressed with room-filling vocals and a heavy heart.

She closed the night with “Gamut,” a song about going through the trials, tribulations, and rejections that come with being an artist and trying to get noticed, wanting to give you on the dream, but ultimately sticking it out. In a room full of artists, it certainly hit home.


Kevin Chevalier

Writer, Educator, Coach who dives into whatever pulls the heartstrings. Delco grown. West Philly’s home. Go Birds.

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